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Reviews from Wedding Wire
Why Choose a Live Musician?
  • A musician is more passionate than your MP3 Player.

  • A musician is versatile and can connect many genres.

  • A musician adds fun and excitement to any event.

  • A musician can customize to your needs.

  • With a musician there are no abrupt stops or awkward fade downs found when using 'canned' music.

  • Technical difficulties are highly unlikely.

  • A musician adds elegance and class.

  • A musician is interactive with you and the audience.

  • A musician helps make an event more memorable.

  • A musician provides impeccable timing!

  • You'll gain a new friendship.

Thank You!



There is not much we can put in to words that would describe our appreciation for you and the wonderful job you did - playing and singing at our weddings.  We felt as if we have been blessed beyond measure to be able to partake of your gifts.


Thank you,


John and Maria

Giants Among Men

by Lauren Hammock, Photos by Erick Gfeller from Slice Magazine

When we met this years class of Cool Dads we had high expectations based on the inspiring nominations sent by readers in praise of their fathers. 


The perfect dad may not exist... but we celebrate the sixth year of our Cool Dads. Happy Father's Day!

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